Everyone agrees that vision is one of our biggest assets. Without adequate vision, your quality of life will significantly reduce, which is why it is always important to monitor changes in your sight. Unexpected issues can arise at any moment.
If you are having issues here are the symptoms and repairs for retinal detachment so you can either rule in or rule out this possible problem.
What is a detached retina?
The retina is an important layer inside your eye which sends visual information directly to your brain through a highly specialized nerve system. When the retina detaches, it prevents these messages from getting through, which you sense as a decrease in your vision.
Retinal detachments are considered an emergency – leaving them to resolve on their own won’t work and can result in permanent vision damage or blindness in one eye.
Three common types of detachments
There are three kinds of detachments that patients usually experience: rhegmatogenous, tractional, and exudative. Let’s take a look at each one to see how they differ.
Rhegmatogenous detachment
This is the most commonly seen type of detachment which is caused by a tear in the retina. This tear allows fluid to force its way under the retina, separating it from its structural wall.
Tractional detachment
This is a relatively uncommon detachment which is caused by scar tissue on the retina itself. This type of detachment is often seen in patients suffering from other conditions such as diabetes.
Exudative detachments
Exudative retinal detachments are caused by eye diseases, sudden eye injuries, and excess inflammation. With exudative detachments, fluid is able to get under the retina without the presence of an entry point such as the tears seen in rhegmatogenous detachments.
Symptoms of retinal detachment
Symptoms vary depending on the severity of the condition, but the typical symptoms patients experience include seeing little spots of lines as well as brief pulses of light in your peripheral or direct line of sight. Some patients see a veil of darkness fall over their vision, which can be quite scary.
A range of treatment options
The perfect treatment for you depends on your type of detachment, which will be determined in consultation with a qualified ophthalmologist. Retinal detachment surgery is an effective solution, along with complementary drug therapy, injections, and laser treatments.
Treatments are pain-free, cost-effective, and proven effective at restoring or preventing total blindness. However, total recovery depends on your unique case, which is why it is so important to make an appointment as soon as you notice any changes, no matter how small or how insignificant you think they may be.
Are you having issues with your sight now? If the state of your eye health worries you, why not book an appointment with your a fellowship-trained retinal specialist at your local ophthalmology practice today?

Althea Carter is an aspiring writer and storyteller from Kentucky. Her passion for literature and storytelling began at a young age, and now she is an avid blogger and author, sharing her experiences and stories with readers from around the world. When she’s not creating content for her blog, Althea loves nothing more than exploring the complexities of the human experience through theatre, reading, painting, and travelling. She hopes her words and art can inspire others to create, explore, and experience the world around them.