Tendonitis in Louisiana is a type of painful inflammation in the tendons that connect muscles to bones. It is typically caused by repetitive movements, injuries or inflammation that builds up over time, and it can cause a lot of pain.
Tendonitis is treated in different ways depending on where it’s located, how long it’s been present and the patient’s physical activity level. If you visit an orthopedic surgeon to help treat your tendonitis, he or she might prescribe a treatment plan involving getting plenty of rest, taking time off from exercise, using ice/heat packs, attending physical therapy, or taking pain-killing and anti-inflammatory medications.
Natural Treatments for Tendonitis in Louisiana
1. Take some time off from exercise and rest. A little extra self-care can go a long way when healing from tendonitis. It’s especially important to identify which type of activity could have contributed to your tendonitis so you can temporarily stop doing that activity. How long you need to stop depends on which tendon is affected and how severely it’s inflamed.
2. Start any new exercises slowly and take some days to rest. One of the most common triggers for tendonitis in Louisiana is starting an exercise routine too quickly or failing to rest between workouts. Overworking the body and running down your immune system can cause inflammation levels to rise, causing tendon, muscle or joint injuries. This not only causes chronic pain, but it can stop you in your tracks, forcing you to give up most forms of activity for a period.
3. Stick to an anti-inflammatory diet. As with nearly all injuries and even chronic diseases, inflammation only makes matters worse. The foods you put into your body can have a drastic impact on your inflammation levels, some helping you to heal more quickly and prevent injuries, while others trigger swelling and delay recovery.
Some of the most healing anti-inflammatory foods that you want to regularly eat include:
- All types of vegetables, especially green leafy kinds;
- High-quality “clean” proteins;
Berries; - High-potassium and magnesium foods like coconut water, avocados, greens
and bananas; - Bone broth.
4. Try applying ice packs. Icing painful areas can help ease swelling and is an easy treatment method you can try at home. This is especially important in the first day or two following an injury or when you notice swelling developing. Use ice packs to lessen the symptoms of tendonitis in Louisiana by placing one on a barrier such as a piece of clothing, paper towel or dish towel, and then holding it up to the area that hurts.
5. Consider wearing a splint or brace. Adding some extra support around your tendons by wearing a brace or splint can help keep the affected body part from moving too much. Isolating the inflamed tendon helps reduce swelling and supports healing of the damaged tissues.
6. Talk to a doctor about alternative treatments. When needed, some of the ways that orthopedics treat tendonitis include:
- Prescription or over-the-counter painkillers;
- Physical therapy;
- Chiropractic treatments;
- Corticosteroid injections;
- Extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT) and surgery
With proper treatment, the affected tendon usually recovers completely. However, incomplete rehabilitation or a hasty return to activity can slow the healing process or lead to re-injury. Don’t take any chances, if you feel that you might be suffering from the symptoms of tendonitis in Louisiana, call our office today to schedule a consultation.

Althea Carter is an aspiring writer and storyteller from Kentucky. Her passion for literature and storytelling began at a young age, and now she is an avid blogger and author, sharing her experiences and stories with readers from around the world. When she’s not creating content for her blog, Althea loves nothing more than exploring the complexities of the human experience through theatre, reading, painting, and travelling. She hopes her words and art can inspire others to create, explore, and experience the world around them.