Although hysterectomy is one of the most common surgeries for women living in the United States, myths about the removal of the uterus abound. Hysterectomy in Scottsdale is one of many options available if you have fibroids, excessively heavy periods, or uterine prolapse.
Hysterectomy may be a real medical necessity, not simply another option if you have invasive cancer of the reproductive organs. A partial hysterectomy is surgical removal of the uterus alone, and a myomectomy is the removal of only fibroids. A total hysterectomy in Scottsdale removes the cervix as well as the uterus.
Unless you ask, certain crucial and highly sensitive topics may not come up when you discuss hysterectomy pros and cons with your doctor. Here are 10 things your doctor may skip, but that you need to know.
1. Your sex life isn’t over. While the surgery can have lasting effects on your body, and you’ll need time to heal, this does not mean that you’ll never have sex again. How soon you can have sex after a hysterectomy really depends on the type of hysterectomy.
2. Hysterectomy is never a cure for endometriosis. In fact, endometriosis – a condition that can be marked by severe menstrual cramps, chronic pain, and painful intercourse – is not cured by removal of the uterus.
3. You won’t automatically go into menopause. One common myth about hysterectomy in Scottsdale is that a woman will go into menopause afterward. You won’t have periods, and can’t get pregnant after your uterus is removed, but that doesn’t necessarily mean menopause.
4. Hysterectomy may include your ovaries. During surgery, your doctor may remove one or both ovaries and your Fallopian tubes, as well as your uterus. Losing both ovaries means hormones are also lost abruptly, a condition known as surgical menopause. This sudden loss of female hormones can cause stronger symptoms of menopause, including hot flashes and loss of sex drive.
5. Hormone therapy could help with physical changes after surgery. After the ovaries are removed, estrogen therapy can help relieve uncomfortable symptoms of menopause.
6. You may be able to avoid a hysterectomy in Scottsdale. Depending on the condition you are facing, you may be able to keep your uterus intact. Alternatives are out there for about 90 percent of the hysterectomies being performed. Before scheduling a hysterectomy, have a discussion with your doctor about the alternative treatments for your condition.
7. Less-invasive surgery may be the right option for you. Ask your doctor about minimally invasive surgery, also called laparoscopic or robotic-assisted hysterectomy. This newer type of surgery requires general anesthesia but only uses tiny incisions, causes less blood loss, and requires shorter hospital stays.
8. Psychological healing after hysterectomy can take longer than physical healing. For some, the emotional trauma of hysterectomy in Scottsdale can take much longer to heal than the physical effects. Feeling a little down or having a sense of loss after surgery is normal. But be on the lookout for postoperative depression and get professional help if you need it to deal with insomnia, loss of appetite, or hopeless feelings if you have them.
If you want to know if a hysterectomy in Scottsdale can eliminate your health issues, call our office today to schedule a consultation. During the appointment, we’ll discuss your treatment options and determine if you are a candidate.

Althea Carter is an aspiring writer and storyteller from Kentucky. Her passion for literature and storytelling began at a young age, and now she is an avid blogger and author, sharing her experiences and stories with readers from around the world. When she’s not creating content for her blog, Althea loves nothing more than exploring the complexities of the human experience through theatre, reading, painting, and travelling. She hopes her words and art can inspire others to create, explore, and experience the world around them.